Data Scientist's Self Defeating Prophecy

Jonah, a biblical prophet, was tasked with delivering Gods prophecy to the people of Ninevah, an ancient Mesopotamian city. He was sent out to Ninevah to warn the city's inhabitants of divine wrath to come as a result of their sins. After an eventful journey, John reaches Ninevah and warns the citizens of the impending doom. Citizens of Ninevah repent their actions and pray every day. Jonah waits outside the city for God to come and punish its citizens. However, God does not show up because the citizen changed their ways for the better. Because the prophecy revealed early and people intervened, it did not come true. Such prophesies are called self-defeating prophecies. In such cases, determining whether the prophecy would have come true is difficult, and the foreteller's credibility may be called into question. Modern-day digital soothsayers or data scientists face this challenge routinely. We are frequently expected to predict an undesirable outcome and prevent it from occurri...