
Showing posts from 2020

Virus: Discussing macroscopic possibilities

Our world view is limited by our own senses and our size and scale. I am throwing out a possibility of studying viruses through another lens.  Many people believe that COVID-19 is the mother earth’s fight against human infection [ 0 ] . It is quite possible that viruses are earth’s antibodies trying to keep the earth healthy. Viruses are known to keep the balance and diversity of microbes in the oceans.   [1]   Viruses have been eliminating species that run wild since the beginning of life on earth. They are a major driver in human evolution [   2 ][   3 ] . Recent studies have shown that viruses could have been the reason we have life on earth. [   4 ][   5 ] So, there is more to viruses than it is commonly known. In this blog, I would like to discuss the possibility of studying viruses through another lens. Allow me to take you through some seemingly unrelated illustrations to make my point.   Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a...

4 Things to learn just about anything

We all want to learn new things don't we? Learning Improves our lives and livelihood. But what is learning? And how do you get better at it? Invariably our environments force us to learn new things. This blog post is a summary of what is offered on the Coursera laced with my own opinions and experiences.  Learning involves memorization, recollection, application and behavioral changes.  I have always wondered what it means to learn something. Is it just the ability to memorize something? Memory certainly has a big role to play in learning. But can you memorize addition? No, you can’t! you need to understand the concept of addition. So, does learning mean your understanding of a concept? Then does your dog understand gravity? Parabola? partial differential equations? Well, if you want to jump and catch flying ball mid-air, you need to understand all these. So, your dog understands all of these at some level. I don't think any one would accept that a dog has learnt about par...