Which Country is closest to Your Company?

In an interview with a Fortune 100 company, the panel asked me if I knew how big the company was. I told them that they are bigger than the Maldives. My answer prompted me to start thinking about how big some of these companies are and what kind of influence they bear on geopolitical events and how closely their affairs are laced with Countries. According to globaljustice 157 of top 200 economic entities are corporations not countries. Although the article views this development in poor light, I think it the world is better off with powerful corporate than powerful politicians. In my opinion, we are still comparing elephants and camels. If you judge them basis their strength the elephant will win and if you judge them on their ability to survive without water the camel will win. But I think the discussion is still relevant because countries don't go to war it is the companies that go to war these days. Be it Hewaiwe vs US or Ericson's rumored involvement in fo...