Bulk Upload csv to Neo4j on windows

This blog post was originally intended only for data based philosophical discussions. However, given that I have not posted anything in many a years I decided to dilute it. I had lot of problems bulk importing csv data in to neo4j. I have finally figured out how to do it. neo4j is a graph db. I won't go in to details of what is a graph db or how to write cypher queries. once you have downloaded neo4j from here and installed neo4j you will see the neo4j desktop app. Add a new graph. create a new graph give it a password. once the graph is created click on manage and go to the "Terminal" tab. Now before we go ahead you need to prepare your csv files. your csv files should be split as node csv and relations svs. And the initial headings have to follow a syntax. In your node csv the first column should be unique key and your first column heading should be <your id>:ID(<your node name>) In your relations csv you must have start and end node...